Who of the following had first deciphered the edicts of Emperor Ashoka

Who of the following had first deciphered the edicts of Emperor Ashoka
  1. George Buhler
  2. James Prinsep
  3. Max Muller
  4. William Jones
Ans. D
The rock-cut edicts of Ashoka in north-central India, dated to 250–232 BCE and the script was deciphered in 1837 by James Prinsep
Why the question Came:
In ancient history, Buddhism and Ashokan era are common UPSC areas. Pure Factual…
NCERT History
5 Download: Who of the following had first deciphered the edicts of Emperor Ashoka Who of the following had first deciphered the edicts of Emperor Ashoka George Buhler James Prinsep Max Muller William Jones Ans. D E...

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