In the context of the development in Bioinformatics, the term ‘Transcriptome’, sometimes seen in the news , refer to

In the context of the development in Bioinformatics, the term ‘Transcriptome’, sometimes seen in the news , refer to
  1. A range of enzymes used in genome editing
  2. The full range of mRNA molecules expressed by an organism
  3. The description of the mechanism of gene expression
  4. A mechanism of genetic mutations taking place in cells
Ans. B
Transcriptome is the set of all messenger rna(mRNA) molecules expressed by an organism
Why the question Came:
Was in news in Feb-2016. A new way of mapping transcriptome was devised. Also linked to various viral diseases etc.
5 Download: In the context of the development in Bioinformatics, the term ‘Transcriptome’, sometimes seen in the news , refer to In the context of the development in Bioinformatics, the term ‘Transcriptome’, sometimes seen in the news , refer to A range of enzymes u...

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